Senin, 13 Desember 2010


If there is the question "Whose posyandu?" Surely will arise a lot of perceptions that it will invite the rhetoric or the polemic on the question of ownership neighborhood health center itself, because people will give their perception of different angles depending on the functions of each position.Qualitative research Purnawan Junadi, in 1998 in two different provinces, namely South Sulawesi province and East Java, which involve several components of the community with a different function positions, namely posyandu cadres, village officials / village, the PKK village / villages, health centers and related sectors , the BKKBN and the Village Administration Section at the district secretariat, concluded that the public perception of "who owns posyandu".According to the cadre posyandu, neighborhood health center is owned by the government. The reason is a neighborhood health center established by the government and the cadres of the position just as a maid. In addition, a whole series of activities posyandu just might be implemented by officers, ranging from weighing up to treatment. Cadres to carry out a child's weight, but in the event of weight loss, cadres can not explain the cause and the edges have to ask the officer. Kader also argued that if any officer posyandu road. When the officer did not come then the community does not come.Three-quarter money with a cadre of neighborhood health center, village heads and village leaders also stated that the neighborhood health center is owned by the government. The reason that the headman and village chiefs who founded the neighborhood health center and the basic stance is that orders from superiors so that the neighborhood health center owned by the government is a necessity. Also in its implementation, activities posyandu only have been possible if driven by health workers, because activity in the neighborhood health center is not a skilled cadre.Opposite perception is coming from the PKK cadres. According to the PKK cadres municipality / village neighborhood health center is owned by the community and to society in accordance with the decree along with three ministers. Although posyandu demanding role of health workers, but the role of communities and community organizations, especially the PKK is very big. This reasoning is based on the fact that almost all cadres posyandu PKK cadres. PKK have functional linkages with the activities of neighborhood health center because of the PKK was the one who more often to help the cost of implementing posyandu. Assistance provided by the municipality / village is because of the PKK programs that receive assistance from the government and channeled through the activities of neighborhood health center.Puskesmas.yang is the main actor in the implementation of neighborhood health center apparently synergize with PKK cadres in providing perception. For clinic posyandu it from, by and for the community. By him is society that is responsible for the survival of Posyandu. Officers assist health centers serve only neighborhood health center activity. Initiatives each month in the form of delivery schedule of activities is just a container posyandu of health centers to optimize the performance target programs such as Maternal and Child Health programs, immunization, provision of blood tablets and vitamin A or Supplementary Feeding. The dominance of the role of health center personnel in neighborhood health center is caused by the system of five tables at the neighborhood health center just might be better implemented by clinic personnel. On the other hand still have a cadre of its own weakness, that is not utilizing the skills acquired from training, such as neighborhood health center reporting system that still has not done routinely.For those of related sectors such as BKKBN and Section PMD in District Secretariat, neighborhood health center has two important framework. First is the integrated health model can be used as the real from the real public participation. Although in practice the visible domination role of health workers, but the role of society in this cadre is very prominent, began to announce the schedule of the clinic, preparing sites for neighborhood health center to mobilize young children, pregnant women and sick people. Second, the integrated health has its own power due to the contiguity of concrete interaction between the needs of society with its fulfillment is done by the officer, in an atmosphere that does not seem formal, which also is a place to carry out socialization pesen-important message from the government.Whatever the public perception of who the owner is not penjadi posyandu fundamental issues. What is important is the neighborhood health center should be maintained continuance, because with their work for more than 3 decades, since launched in 1986, has proved its worth as a container to optimize the participation of citizens to access health needs, easily accessible and cheap, as a model of interaction between citizens and government in a family atmosphere as well and as a vessel to optimize performance at the health center program.Health Department to probe claims that the integrated health is one form of Community based Health Effort (UKBM) are managed and held of, by, for and with society in the implementation of health development, in order to empower communities and provide convenience to the public in obtaining basic health services, primarily to accelerate reduction in maternal and infant mortality. So true posyandu is owned by the community.For that, the future should the community through neighborhood health center volunteers were given a larger proportion role by providing additional skills to the cadre of neighborhood health center such as how to use various forms of scales according to the availability of local facilities and knowledge about how and what steps are done when a decline in weight infants or a radical weight gain, so the role of health workers can be reduced and slowly but surely, people's perceptions about "who the owner of the neighborhood health center" is no longer obscure and ambiguous meaning, but will be replaced by a single perception that the neighborhood health center is owned by the community.Hopefully!

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