Senin, 13 Desember 2010


 "The midwife then inject drugs, surgical equipment before incised into the slit in the groin Sarah. Drugs were not working optimally. Sarah screamed and struggled. His mother tried to convince her stronger hold her thighs. Do not presume she fainted! But show must go on! Until finished. Later she found out. "Anunya" cut slightly. Circumcised!!, He said. (Tempo Interactive, Wednesday, October 11, 2006)
That piece of the portrait blurred bitter experience, repsentasi handful of women, who tested the pain when injured, to undergo "ceremonial" circumcision. Tragic indeed!. Pain can be prolonged until protracted. As already old once did. Even Fauziya Kasinga, 17 years old, a woman from Togo South Africa, fled from his country when he knew would be circumcision ala Pharaoh against him before the wedding. (Kompas Cyber Media, Thursday, March 4, 2004)
WHO's call it female circumcision or Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), which acts partially or completely cut from the outside of female sex organs, namely the labia majora, labia minora and clitoris, or other forms of injury, for cultural or other non-medical reasons. This action circumcision in Indonesia refers to the men, whose is known as circumcision or cutting around (circumference cut foreskin). This term is not suitable for female circumcision memggambarkan because female circumcision is not done cutting around. Transsexual surgery (sex change) is not included in this ceremonial. (Center for Data and Information PERSI, March 2007)
Definition of the term FGM is actually three-quarter money with the term circumcision infibulation or Pharaoh, a very significant damaging, namely the destruction of the female sex organs. (Kustiani and Rosi, 2006) Performed by excision of the vulva from the muscular wall of the pubis to the anus. After excision, the two sides of the labia majora sewn together, united by leaving a small hole in the vulva. Wound healing and scar formation will unify both the surface of the labia majora. Both legs of the woman tied up for about two weeks to speed up the healing process. All the action is performed without anesthesia (anti-pain). Unfortunately, infubilasi held in strict confidence and even with the consent of the husband or parents making it difficult to trace. (Marcoes, 2003)
UN estimation, about 28 million women of Nigeria, 24 million women of Egypt, 23 million women of Ethiopia, Sudan and 12 million women, with a very forced to have undergone this circumcision. (Kompas Cyber Media, March 4, 2004) mentioned that female circumcision carried out in 28 countries, mostly carried out in most African countries, some Middle Eastern countries, with smaller countries in Asia, the Pacific, Latin America, North America, and Europe. At least a hundred million women in the world has experienced these acts, which were in the approximately three million children aged under ten years of each year. (Data Persi, March 2007)
Publications for Population Research Centre, Gadjah Mada University on female circumcision practices in Madura and Yogyakarta proves, the practice of female circumcision performed Javanese family in both regions, regardless of religion and social levels. (Muhajir Darwin, from Marcoes 2003)). This study supports previous findings in West Java and Jakarta. (Anita Rahman, from Marcoes 2003). From historical studies, this practice is documented Feillard noted in the statement of the Government of the Netherlands East Indies, especially in Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi (Feillard and Marcoes, Female Circumcision in Indonesia: To Islamize in Ceremony or secrecy, 1998: 337-365).
In Indonesia, female circumcision is minimized even though only a symbolic action, without cutting the genitals, but the principle "there must be blood", in Madura and "droplets" in Yogyakarta remains indicate that the mutilation is still being done. In general, in Java and Madura to cut the tip of the clitoris is the way most do, other than a symbolic way (Bacilica, 2003)). Population Council research in Indonesia said that the implementation of symbolic female circumcision without cutting / injury only 28% of cases of female circumcision and the remaining 72% which was performed incision and excision.
If analyzed with an ideological approach, no matter how symbolic execution of woman circumcision, the reasons behind the practice turned out exactly the same reason that genital cutting in Africa. More than just a process of initiation into manhood (Turner, from Marcoes 2003), or purification (Muhajir, from Marcoes 2003), female circumcision is done with the aim of controlling women's sexual libido.
Age implementation female circumcision varies, ranging from neonates, children aged 6-10 years, adolescent, to adult. In the United States and some other western countries, clitoridotomy or cutting the clitoris (the clitoris) is mostly done in adult women than in children. In some African countries where female circumcision infibulation type a lot done, these actions are taken at the age of two to six years. (Marcoes, 2003)
In Indonesia, female circumcision is generally done on the baby after birth. In Java and Madura, 70% female circumcision carried out at the age of less than one year and partially at the age of 7-9 years. In South Sulawesi, on average, performed at the age of 7-10 years, more synonymous with puberty ritual behind the women, and followed with a custom event. (Data Persi, March 2007)
A direct result of female circumcision are bleeding other than pain, shock, urine retention, and injury to surrounding tissue. Bleeding and infection can result in death. (Ardiyanto, 2004) Long-term impact is the emergence of cysts and abscesses, keloid and genital defects, pain during sexual intercourse, sexual dysfunction and difficulties in childbirth. In terms of psychology, circumcision can leave a lifetime impact. Women may experience depression, tension, and low self-esteem and not perfect. (Marcoes, 2003)
For some communities, female circumcision is a tradition that is often associated with religion. It is also still raises the pros and cons, because female circumcision is performed by many religions. Adherents of Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, animism, dynamism, one sect of Jews and even atheists, do it. The study ever conducted shows that the background is more dominant tradition, not a religious commandment. The practice of female circumcision is thought to have been started since the time of Pharaoh kings 4000 years ago, before there is a more organized religion. (Data Persi, March 2007)
Islam is a religion that maintain the integrity of human beings, both physically and spiritually. Cutting violate the integrity of this organ and degrading God's creation, which is considered perfect and do not need to be improved again. There is no command in the Qur'an or Hadith for clitoris cut or modified. It is God's creation and therefore should not be cut or reduced size and function. (Munir, 2006)
Conversely, on the other hand, the Indonesian Ulema Council chairman Amidhan, giving commentary that seemed memorable "double standards" against female circumcision. He reveals, in the Maliki and Hanbali schools, circumcision is considered as an act of the glory of it in moderation. While schools Syafii, which is generally referred to the people of Indonesia, requires female circumcision. "So long as not too much, because even the illicit and equal to castrate," he said. (Kustiani, 2006)
Nawal El-Saadawi, a feminist Muslim doctor from Egypt who became victims of infibulation, in his book The Hidden Face of Eve: Women in the Arab World, linking women's reasons for doing circumcision assuming the community about the importance of virginity and the hymen utuhnya before marriage, with sexual satisfaction husband or future husband. But with just circumcision decreased libido women so even disappear altogether. He compares with castration or female circumcision castration of the eunuch harem guards in most Middle Eastern countries, have a great body and sturdy body, but do not have any sex drive. (Data Persi, March 2007)
In fact, the "pleasure" is the right sex wife and husband. Verse 187 of surat Al-Baqarah states, "the wife and husband like clothes with each other, complement each other and complement each other." Also paragraph 21 of the Ar-Rum letter states that "God has made love and affection between them." And female circumcision violates human rights of women because deleting pleasure for women who are gifts of God. . (Munir, 2006)
Medicalization, which indicates that female circumcision for health reasons, even add a red thread kusutnya female circumcision. (Kompas, Wednesday, June 1, 2005) Although intended to reduce health risks, especially infections, which result in death, but if done by traditional birth attendants or craftsman circumcision. become very dangerous. The findings of the survey Population Council Foundation in collaboration with the Office of State Minister of Women revealed that the practice of female circumcision which uses various tools such as needles, knives, and scissors to make incisions by 22% and 72% excision. (Data Persi, March 2007) "If in the countryside who do shaman, then in urban areas generally midwives and also in the hospital," explained Dr. Meiwita Budiharsana, PhD, from the Ford Foundation Council.
Collective presumption that less fatsoen, if you do not want to say silly, that circumcision is performed to reduce or eliminate the sensitivity of the tissue in the genital area, especially the clitoris, in order to reduce the sex drive of women, so as not to spit napsunya and remain faithful in marriage, reap protests from feminists batty . For them this presumption is "defamation" against the rights and dignity of women. Until now there is no medical research that states that women who are not circumcised to be wanton, wild and hungry for sex. Even the baby girl was, since birth has been accused of sell sex, because female circumcision is done at birth. At this point actual feminists reject the practice of female circumcision and "because the country was obliged to consider re-ayemnya cool on the practice of female circumcision is". (Marcoes, 2003)
Whatever the reasons and background, female circumcision has become a controversial issue, both at the global, regional and national level. Controversy because sosiokultur authorities can not provide an explicit explanation of female circumcision which has been made since thousands of years ago and was adopted until now. Controversy because the religious interpretation of ambiguous, nebulous meaning as ambiguous, among which are allowed and what is not, which are mandatory and which are Sunnah. Controversy because "pleasure bring misery." Delicious for men, agony for women. Female circumcision controversy because it has dimedikalisasi without calculating who did it. Controversy because female circumcision as a reason that women without sexual lust circumcision will spit everywhere.
These controversies must be straightened. There should be a historical search to examine the justification sosiokultur tradition of female circumcision. There should be a fundamental review of the interpretation of ambiguous religious. There must be proof of what is true of women who were circumcised became super delicious for men and women who are not circumcised to be disgusting in matters of sex. There should be a correction to the medicalization of circumcision permpuan and the assumption that women are not circumcised indulgence in lust.
Thus, all components must contribute, sit together, make a fundamental assessment, formulate a policy breakthrough "best fit" with the cult sosiokultur, religion and medicine in this country, to solve all the controversy about female circumcision. If not, then the 'Reject Female circumcision "is only going to be like Dream Gone brimmed, tembangnya Anggun C Sasmi. Far from the truth!
Terbesit one hope. Minister of Women Empowerment Meutia Hatta Swasono, MOH urged to prohibit female circumcision medicalization. "We also sincerely hope that the Ministry of Health issued a prohibition for medical officers / paramedics, including government and private health facilities, not to medicalization of female circumcision." (Kompas, Tuesday, May 31, 2005)
Bak shoots beloved side dish arrived, tit for tat. Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari in his written, in a workshop on Prevention and Combating Violence against Women associated with the practice of Female Circumcision, Wednesday, June 1, 2005, saying "female circumcision did not exist in the health service standards." Clop!. In terms of government policy has had a good will toward Reject Female circumcision. Just how the support of the scholars and authorities sosiokultur against government policy to produce a synergistic power. Reject female circumcision! And most important is to perform sero tolerance campaign, that female circumcision has no benefits of any such campaign organized by the UN began in early January 2003. (Kompas Cyber Media, Thursday, March 4, 2004)
When synchronization is realized synergistic power, the authors believe, thunder shouts from the feminist "Reject Female circumcision" will not hit the wall whole tradition and will continue to erode the practice of female circumcision formations in Indonesia, so that the bitter experience of Sarah and Fauziya Kasinga no longer occur .
Hopefully deh!. He ... he .. he!
 Melong, Mid March 2010

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