Senin, 13 Desember 2010



This gloomy twilight at Karatung, Talaud Islands! At that time, May 2005.That afternoon, a convoy of pedestrians entering the garden center, after a weary oar rowing across the sea from the island Kakorotan. Delivering patient! A pregnant teenage girl lying on a cot old bamboo carried four middle-aged man drenched in sweat. Bleeding from the womb to abort! It is said that pregnant before marriage!. "Accidents association of young people", whispered one of his entourage who delivers. The teenager was forced to have abortions at the instigation of her parents to cover the disgrace of the family.Elsewhere!A mother lying astride on the "bed gynecology" in the practice of obstetrics and gynecology physician. With the help of midwife assistants, the doctor gives the cue to bear the pain to the mother, putting the "cocor duck" into the mother's intimate hole. "Hold again bu", the doctor said, turning the screw "dilators" cocor duck for the mother's intimate canal widened and loose for easy inspection. The mother screamed. Sick indeed! But the show must go on! Until the investigation is complete!.
Outside, her husband sat on a bench waiting mengelonjor long as he repeatedly smoke Gudang Garam Surya that he bought at the stall next to the clinic doctor. Do not know what he is feeling his wife at the doctor's room. The mother was forced to try out the pain when cocor duck and the hands of "big" the doctor went into the burrow intimate. Her husband told sex organs and its contents examined after six years of marriage do not get the "baby".That bitter experience blurred portrait of two women who try out the pain, even facing death because of powerlessness, due to sexual and reproductive rights are not protected. To be honest, the above events, is repsentasi of a large number of women who experience the same thing, although not in the same condition. Once again because of "sexual and reproductive rights are not protected"! Tragic indeed! Therefore, it is worth all the women in Indonesia, North Sulawesi, especially women, understand and comprehend, or at least are aware of the sexual rights and reproductive attached to him.Starting from the basic human rights possessed by all people, regardless of gender, skin color, age, sexual orientation, religion, political views, and so forth in order so that everyone can understand her self-esteem, self respect and develop his potential maximum . This then triggers the feminists to fight for women's sexual and reproductive rights. the fact that when women's reproductive rights are ignored, can adversely affect physical, mental and social development in women and can end in death.Reproductive rights and sexual rights of women is part of human rights. The goal is that every woman can enjoy risk-free sexual life (sexual life free from risk). The state should ensure that every woman is able to determine how many children who want to have, determine the distance born children, regulate sexual behavior in accordance with the wishes and feelings without any fear or shame, free from pain and disability that might interfere with the function sexual and reproductive.Here are 12 sexual rights and reproductive female, which has been identified, such as those downloaded in the "Sexual and Reproductive Rights" Within Everyone  s Search,, with little additional literacy from various sources, namely:1. Right To Life.This applies equal rights for men and women, but when we talk about reproductive and sexual rights, the rights are aimed primarily at women, who have the right to not be dead by the causes that can be avoided or prevented, which is associated with reproductive process. That is, a woman has the right to not make his life at risk to die from events promiscuity, pregnancy, and parturition.When will a woman become her life at risk because of the reproductive process? When the more permissive sexual relationships due to the lack fatsoen collective orientation, which considers sexual relations as a "recreation" or when there is sexual coercion against a woman or also when a woman does not want to get pregnant but not using contraception (unmet needs), which resulted in pregnancy not desirable, then at that time the woman will tend to make decisions or recommended, either by their families or their sexual partners, to have an abortion. When abortions are not performed by qualified personnel or equipment is not adequate, then that's when women at risk for death. In Indonesia death of women due to pregnancy, and parturition to reach 373 deaths in 100 thousand live births and estimated that there are at least 20 thousand women die each year from complications of pregnancy. Among the complications of pregnancy is 45% is because of bleeding due to unsafe abortion.When women become pregnant at a younger age than 16 years old or older than 35 years, when the pregnancy is too much (more than 5 times or 3 times a Caesarean section) or too often (1 time a year), is also a precondition that can lead to death for a woman.In these conditions a woman has the right to prevent pregnancy if it is endangering his soul.2. Right to Independence and Security.Women as well as men have the right to choose whether he wants it or not, to build relationships, including sexual relations and to exercise control over their reproductive lives. And the choice was taken freely.That is, no one can force others (including the legitimate spouse) to have sex and not a perempuanpun who could be forced to become pregnant or have an abortion by anyone.All surgery-related sexual and reproductive health, including abortion, should be done by an authorized person and have the competence to perform those actions. According to WHO, unsafe abortions are performed on an unwanted pregnancy is carried out by untrained personnel, or do not follow the medical procedures or both. Of the 46 million abortions per year, 20 million made by insecure, of which 800 women died from complications of unsafe abortion, and at least 13 percent contribute to the Global Maternal Mortality Rate (AGI, 1998).Estimates of national states that every year there is 2 million cases of abortion in Indonesia. This means there are 43 cases of abortions per 100 live births pe rtahun in 1000 women aged 15-49 years (Utomo, 2001).
3. Right to Equality and Freedom from Discrimination.All men and women are born free and have dignity and equal rights. No special task "for men" or specifically "for women". All job duties within or outside the house must be done together between men and women equally and equitably.Boys and girls have equal opportunity to obtain education and employment.Lack of girls in gaining access to formal education, describes the helplessness of women in determining the way of life. Sometimes a woman forced to marry at the age of school for various reasons that could have been prevented or avoided. While young age at marriage of women is positively correlated to the high risk of maternal mortality. BPS 2003 report states that the median age of first marriage Indonesian women 19.2 years. Women 18.3 years in rural, urban 20.3 years.As a result of the difficulty women have access to education for women in Indonesia resulted in over 10 years do not attend school for 11.56% of the total population, 12.28% female illiteracy,In the context of equality seyogianyan affairs of a female contraceptive method does not require a husband's consent or permission, to choose or change the method of contraception and contraceptive method when the method is not suited to the conditions of his body.4. Getting Privacy Rights.Every person, male or female has the right to keep secret the doctors or other medical staff, including secret about things related to sexual and reproductive lives. This means that any information given to the physician or other medical staff associated with sexual life or the life of one's reproduction is part of the patient's personal life, and therefore also a good physician or other medical staff have an obligation to not talk to anyone except the patient own. Report YLKI (period 1998-2004) there were about 306 complaints of breach of contract and as much as 2 cases resolved dijalur court.Teenagers, as well as adults, have the right to privacy should be respected as well.5. The Right to Freedom of Opinion.With reference to sexual and reproductive life, everyone has the right to freedom of thinking and acting in harmony to maintain family relationships (read: sex), especially in maintaining, caring for and treating intimate organ.Religious or cultural or political party actually does not restrict one's way of thinking or expression in relation to sexual and reproductive life. Freedom of speech to sexual and reproductive health should not be limited based on the interpretation of religion, philosophy or culture. Certain actions related to the reproductive organs such as abortion, cesarean section or female circumcision, it should not be done on an interpretation, let alone command, religion or philosophy or a particular culture, but solely because of medical indications.UN estimation, about 28 million women of Nigeria, 24 million women of Egypt, 23 million women of Ethiopia, Sudan and 12 million women, with a very forced to have undergone female circumcision pharaoh model, which is more often called infubilasi or FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) is done because cultural reasons and the ambiguity of interpretation of the Sunnah. (Kompas Cyber Media, March 4, 2004)

6. Right To Information and Education.Every person, male or female productive, have the right to obtain equal access to the latest information about sexually transmitted diseases, family planning services and methods, and all things related to sexual and reproductive lives. Teenagers have a right to obtain information and programs on adolescent reproductive health, wrong treatment, violence, and all things related to sexual activity, in accordance with their age. Education affects a person's perception of the acceptance of new ideas.Research Sri Ratna Dewi Omarsari and Juwita (2005) in Sumedang District showed that low-educated female teens a chance to become pregnant before marriage by 1.43 times than women with high education. Higher education to widen the range of age between childhood and adulthood. In the Special Region of Yogyakarta women aged 14-24 years who experienced premarital pregnancy secondary education 9.1%, 54.6% high school and college Tinggi36, 3%. (Pratiwi, 2004) means that the ratio of premarital pregnancy over 3 to 1 among female adolescents and young adult women.The boy should be educated and prepared to take responsibility for the consequences of sexual behavior and reproduction.Adolescent women who become pregnant have a right to receive specific support from family, society and state, so he got the information for how to support themselves and their babies.Family plays an important role in the process of education and provide equal opportunities for boys and daughter in getting information on sexual health and reproductive health. Parenting parents play a significant role here. There is a correlation between the pattern of parenting and adolescent premarital pregnancy. Adolescent women who have permissive and authoritarian parenting (not good), potentially having premarital pregnancy by 3.23 times compared to adolescent girls who have a democratic parenting (good). (Ratna Juwita, 2008).7. Right to Choose or Not To Marry, Shaping and Family Planning.Every person, male or female, has the right to vote or not, when and with whom to marry. That is, no one, for any reason, forcing others to marry him. No one can be forced to stay married or stay with someone he was not happy with him.The decision to marry or live together should be taken without pressure, with full responsibility and is done by people who are already adults.8. Right Want To Deciding Whether or When to Have Children.Every person, male or female, has the right to gain the broadest access to family planning methods are safe and effective. That is, every person has the right to freely determine the number of children who want to possess, and how to manage his birth. Permission of sexual partners is not always necessary when a person chooses or wants to use any contraceptives.The decision to determine the number of children should be free from pressure and carried out with full responsibility, it means a chance to think about them (his children) to get the best welfare.At issue is when infertile couples are encouraged to check repruduksinya organs. When the husband tends to encourage (or ordered?) Wife to consult in advance, whereas gynecological examination of women are very complicated and painful. In terms of medical infertility factor 40 percent of husbands, wives factor of 45 percent. In terms of cost, initial examination of the husband is much simpler and cheaper than the examination of the wife. (Center for Data and Information PERSI, March 2007)9. Right To Obtain Service and Health Protection.Each person has the right to enjoy life, risk-free sexual life, and have human relations with the conditions he wanted. That is, each person has the right to receive the highest quality health care for sexual and reproductive health.Sometimes the wife has to contracting sexually transmitted diseases or HIV / AIDS, resulting in infertility, miscarriage, and even extra-uterine pregnancy and pelvic inflammation, not a result of his actions, but due to husband's sexual behavior that are not controlled (like unsafe sex outside).In Indonesia there are 1577 cases of HIV and 578 AIDS cases, 21% of women, (PERSI Data, October 2001)A user of sexual health services and reproductive health have the right to ensure that he gets quality service.10. Right To Obtain Benefits Of Advancement of Science.Each person has the right to benefits of science and technology, current reproductive health. That is, each person should have access to modern family planning methods, safe and acceptable, and complete information to these family planning methods. Collective presumption that less fatsoen that the affairs of pregnancy and childbirth are women's affairs so that family planning is the business of women's affairs and also a more dominant character's husband in the family planning decisions and choosing a method of contraception without considering whether it is suitable or not for women, is an empirical reality which advocates against women, which can not be denied.On the other hand availability of reproductive health care programs appears to be merely directed to women. In fact at the health center program is available only Mother and Child Health (MCH). Also accessibility to public services male contraception is still low, because the contraceptive method is still more geared to women. This was shown in which the male contraceptive methods is still limited condom and vasectomy.11. Right to Freedom of Assembly and Participate In PoliticsEach person has the right to gather with others and ask and to voice the rights to sexual and reproductive health. That is, each person has the right to assemble in a group to participate in developing and respect the rights of reproductive health and sexual health. And this is guaranteed by the state constitution. (45 Constitution Article 28)Organization of a group who have similar interests (women's organizations, youth, reproductive health observer, etc.) is important to provide information and support matters relating to the rights of sexual and reproductive health.12. Right To Freedom From Torture and The Treatment.Each person has the right to be free from all forms of violence. That is, each person has the right to not get the violence (physical or verbal) by their sexual partners, or from someone else. Each person has the right not to be forced in sexual intercourse.In daily household husband forced wife often asked to provide "bed service", although at that time the wife not being wanted. If the wife refuses, then the husband will be upset. This condition is vulnerable to the occurrence of domestic violence. Data Stop Crisis Centre (PKT) RSCM, 2003, there were 655 cases of violence against women, 50 percent are sexual assault, which occurred on 47% of women under 18 years old, who perpendidikan elementary to high school (74%). If violence is done in the household, this is very ironic, because precisely the violence done by people they love.
Guarantee the fulfillment of the current situation regarding the rights of sexual and reproductive rights of women, shows that the recognition and fulfillment of sexual and reproductive rights of women are still far from expectations. Here and there there are still many violations of women's sexual and reproductive rights such as trafficking of women, sexual exploitation of girls, sexual coercion, sexual harassment, either sexual behavior, kekerasam in the household until the imposition of an abortion.Thus it is necessary to understanding, understanding and shared commitment between women and their sexual partners (read: wife and husband) on equality in the fulfillment of sexual and reproductive rights. Strict regulation and tough sanctions and voicing advocacy defense of sexual rights and reproductive women also needed in the fulfillment of sexual and reproductive rights. The fact so far, domestic violence, is regarded as the domain of household, marital domain, which is closed and may not be accessible to others, especially when used as a criminal case.In relationship between pairs of equality, freedom and mutual respect between the pair must exist. Only by giving respect and need respect the sexual rights and reproduction, the reproductive health and good sexual health will be achieved by everyone, so do not need no women forced to have abortions are not safe and tested the pain because dicecar cocor duck.

Melonguane, December 2010.

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