Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

People with HIV / AIDS in North Sulawesi Reach 619 People

The number of North Sulawesi were detected infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) continues to increase. The proof, to November increased to 619 of 606 patients. This was revealed during the coordination meeting the Provincial AIDS Commission (KPAP) North Sulawesi, in Room Mapaluse on Thursday (03/18/2010).
From these data, if categorized according to risk factors, most patients coming from heterosexual sex, as many as 464 patients or about 75 percent. The data obtained, 38 percent of patients were in the city of Manado, Bitung while in town reached 24 percent, Minahasa regency of nine percent. and North Minahasa regency of eight percent.
"Every month, there were detected. But still, some have not detected," said Chief Medical Officer of North Sulawesi, Maxi Rondonuwu DHSM dr.
Rondunuwu say, in terms of profession, the most commonly found in private and self-employed category that is as many as 125, while the profession of the lowest rates of HIV / AIDS contained in the class of student work and Employment for Women. "One case of HIV terdektesi synonymous with 100 people infected with HIV as well," he said.
He added that health office is currently still in an attempt to find a case as much as possible. Especially now, said Lampus, cases were found, so far has been in the condition of AIDS. "That is already in a more severe condition. HIV is not showing symptoms," he said.
In order to tackle the spread of HIV / AIDS, says Lampus, Health plans to add clinics Voluntering Conseling Testing (VCT). He also said, presumably people who have volunteered to conduct the examination early, to be detected and can be given treatment. "At least we can give treatment to the patient," he said.
Meanwhile, Regional Coordinator of Sulawesi and Kalimantan, the National AIDS Commission (NAC), Dr. Rahmat Good Prabowo, say, that there are three major strategies that will be NAC namely prevention, treatment, and empowerment of key populations. "In the future we will be more inclined to strengthening the community. Because the people living with HIV also did not want any discrimination to them," he said.
About starting many donor countries, says Good, so do not always expect to help them. Because, one time assistance will be exhausted. To anticipate, according to Good, be strengthened by local government such as providing the budget on the budget area. "In North Sulawesi is good, because their funds from year to year is budgeted in the budget continues to increase," he said. (*)

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