Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

Health Office Hazards Campaign to Keep HIV / AIDS in Manado

Manado 16 / 9 (Xinhua) - Health Department Manado supported "global funds" and the AIDS Commission continues to conduct a campaign of threats and dangers of HIV / AIDS in high-risk location of the area.
"The location of high risk that we were targeted extension of this deadly virus is nightspots, the location of commercial sex workers hung (PSK), and schools," said Yvonne Kaunang Kadinkes in Manado, on Thursday.
All of this location was chosen because it is the most prone to transmission of the HIV virus so that it directly to the campaign directly to the people who are at risk of contracting the virus, said Kaunang.
The campaign is conducted on a regular basis with NGOs concerned with AIDS to remind the public especially the younger generation about the threat of HIV / AIDS, added the Head of Disease Control and Environmental Health (P2L) Dinkes Joy Zeekeon Manado.
Not only nightclubs and prostitutes hang out locations, high schools in the city of Manado also mennjadi campaign targets because according to people who are infected with this virus an average age of 20-30 years, said Zeekeon.
This means that when first infected and those infected are still in school age, so that prevention campaign directed at schools in order to decide the chain of transmission of HIV / AIDS.He said the extension was done routinely in schools in the city of Manado, even in August-September 2010, he conducted an intensive campaign because of the number of people living with HIV / AIDS (PLWHA) in the area.
In addition to school and hangout PSK, a campaign tackling the dangers of HIV / AIDS was also conducted in the Correctional Institution (LP) Manado to remind occupants.
"The inmates were drug susceptible. Nobody likes to tattoo his body and very vulnerable so the extension is also directed to this place. Our hope everyone can realize how important it is to avoid this because there is no virus there is no cure, "he said.
Data last mentioned, the number of people infected with HIV / AIDS in the city of Manado to reach 251 and most of the productive age of 20-30 years.

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People with HIV / AIDS in North Sulawesi Reach 619 People

The number of North Sulawesi were detected infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) continues to increase. The proof, to November increased to 619 of 606 patients. This was revealed during the coordination meeting the Provincial AIDS Commission (KPAP) North Sulawesi, in Room Mapaluse on Thursday (03/18/2010).
From these data, if categorized according to risk factors, most patients coming from heterosexual sex, as many as 464 patients or about 75 percent. The data obtained, 38 percent of patients were in the city of Manado, Bitung while in town reached 24 percent, Minahasa regency of nine percent. and North Minahasa regency of eight percent.
"Every month, there were detected. But still, some have not detected," said Chief Medical Officer of North Sulawesi, Maxi Rondonuwu DHSM dr.
Rondunuwu say, in terms of profession, the most commonly found in private and self-employed category that is as many as 125, while the profession of the lowest rates of HIV / AIDS contained in the class of student work and Employment for Women. "One case of HIV terdektesi synonymous with 100 people infected with HIV as well," he said.
He added that health office is currently still in an attempt to find a case as much as possible. Especially now, said Lampus, cases were found, so far has been in the condition of AIDS. "That is already in a more severe condition. HIV is not showing symptoms," he said.
In order to tackle the spread of HIV / AIDS, says Lampus, Health plans to add clinics Voluntering Conseling Testing (VCT). He also said, presumably people who have volunteered to conduct the examination early, to be detected and can be given treatment. "At least we can give treatment to the patient," he said.
Meanwhile, Regional Coordinator of Sulawesi and Kalimantan, the National AIDS Commission (NAC), Dr. Rahmat Good Prabowo, say, that there are three major strategies that will be NAC namely prevention, treatment, and empowerment of key populations. "In the future we will be more inclined to strengthening the community. Because the people living with HIV also did not want any discrimination to them," he said.
About starting many donor countries, says Good, so do not always expect to help them. Because, one time assistance will be exhausted. To anticipate, according to Good, be strengthened by local government such as providing the budget on the budget area. "In North Sulawesi is good, because their funds from year to year is budgeted in the budget continues to increase," he said. (*)

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Stories Grief 'Night Butterfly'

Various reasons cliche ejected from a number of lip bergincu successfully interviewed recently. They average family departed from a broken home, from the reason for his living up to that trapped by circumstances, continue to increase the number of list of 'strumpet' in the city of Manado. Here the authors summarize the results of investigations in several places of entertainment and night at the Indian port city of Bitung.
Mona, 24 years old, divorced status of one child, a beautiful woman who claimed to live in Tuminting who worked as Ladis Enjoy the Hot Gossip (HG) Manado, admitted the night had to go through life only to sponsor children and their families.
"I had a job since 1999 and, yes because to be honest I had not pocketed a diploma to apply for jobs elsewhere," he said, adding that he can be invited to the origin of raw begituan ator.
Another story of Rona, 19 years old, sweet black girl school dropouts often pacing with a sale of a powerful drug for adult men from one ship to other foreign ships in the Indian port of Bitung.
"Boss, there is this strong medicine, have a good can be directly tested," she offered at the time while showing various types of tonic made across the country. Himself admitted, if there is interest in selling the medicine and have served, the tariff is a bit expensive over Rp 250,000 once ngejos.
Joys and sorrows as a 'strumpet' is often gripped, and it happened before our very eyes. Because, according to the recognition of the Roses, (not her real name, red) - sweet teenage girl who met at one café on Boulevard road when selling lion meat dishes one night admitted that he was recruited from one village in North Sulawesi by someone (read: pimp ), who claim to be able to find jobs with the lure of large salaries.
Starting from the persuasion and seduction to get that job, Rose, left his village and join in the pimp it to one of the major cities in the regions outside of North Sulawesi. However, it was a dream to get jobs with big salaries vanished instantly. Rose, by force of the pimp told to serve the lust of a middle-aged man who came from neighboring countries to faint. Roses are raped and sold!
As a result after that, this beautiful young girl began to feel there is any abnormality in the stomach. We found many beautiful girls from one village in North Sulawesi that it contains the seeds sown haram man who never knew. Rose pregnant outside of marriage.
With a feeling shattered, Rose, managed to escape from bondage the pimp and return to the village. But, what happens? entire community in the village was disgusted to see a home with a belly bulge. "Had we no kase fall, and after that I'm here and turn out this way," he said wistfully as she sobbed tears keep falling. "Ah ngana babatanya continue jo a way that journalists, booking nda mo?" Asked Rose, smiling sweetly as she clings spoiled tempting.

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Overview of Hazard-free behavior Child Sex is easy in Manado

Giggling spoiled full of charm, exciting and looks pleasant, the streetwalker, along the Boulevard road Piere Tendean Manado, able to hypnotize and undermine one's faith. In fact, officials and religious figures terrace even when met with them.

See, they are beautiful. With a smile and a joke with a side glance to bring meaningful tempting to do more prominently offered the girls a New Child Gede (ABG), which often hung along the street, it turns out has become another phenomenon of the city of Manado.

"Want a young or middle-aged?" Fresh one pimp on the writer when doing 'survey' there in one night.

In fact, they are not reluctant to offer evening meals with a menu of 'meat lion' to anyone who pass by it. "If it's not dying for dibayarpun we want, which is important enjoy" I'm Rose (not her real name, red), a beautiful teenage girl who claims often do 'it' because of addiction.

Another ngejos daytime menu offered by the ABG is predicated on average schoolgirl. They usually hang out in beregrombol in the Matahari Department Store, Coco Dept. Store, Café, and the Post Office. "I'd just taken, but should be together with my friends. Because, frankly, we just sandiri kalu we Tako, "was the reason that justified Chrysanthemum colleagues who was still in uniform one high school teasing smile.

Sighs and moans of lust full surge of the number of underage girls, is a pleasure to bring misery. Why not, according to Health Department reports North Sulawesi, the lapse in 2003 and then detected was 6 (six) persons who tested positive with HIV / AIDS. In fact, three of whom had died. More ironically, one of them aged under five years old (toddlers).

Meanwhile, the period of 2002, there were 28 people contracted the deadly virus as a result of free sex like crazy. Data from North Sulawesi Health Office said in 2002 it recorded 12 deaths and that includes babies in the womb of a woman who contracted HIV / AIDS.

Meanwhile, the data reported as of January 2004, the Public Health Service says 41 people have contracted HIV / AIDS and 15 of them had died. While the 2 (two) of the 41 people who contracted it, is still roaming the city of Bitung. Gosh!

Flammable themselves are prone transmission of HIV / AIDS. Because, in some places of entertainment it provides a tasty evening meal alias 'lion meat' is palpable. It is so, the port of Bitung is one place that brought a number of viruses transit sailors across the country.

Sin anyone? It is not wrong if a woman's mother contain this deadly spreader should reach hundreds of people looking for a partner to complete guerrilla desire 'itu' him. But, more driven by the demands of a more harmonious life.

Because, to be honest men johns-one but do need their presence, even if met with an instant love these vendors will mengiler. Because see, they are young, beautiful, fantastic, voluptuous, sexy.

Moral, moral role once again. Factors of faith and loyalty to a wife or husband? Should continue to be nurtured so as not to be tempted persuasion angel of death for not doing more 'it' was. The role of parents, government, religious leaders, anyone even become very important in addressing the rampant phenomenon, 'lion meat' is.

Unfolding of a number of findings of HIV / AIDS virus that has claimed lives citizens of North Sulawesi (Sulawesi), assessed a number of observers of the problem of mass action as a result of the rampant female sales woman from North Sulawesi to other regions to serve as prostitutes.

"For that, we call for the police, prosecutors, courts conduct a thorough investigation until keakar-roots and women vendors dismantle mafia networks by providing justly punished due to the exploitation of women as merchandise," spat out a number of figures such as mass action, Donny Lumingas Secretary General of the Presidium GMNI and Fitria Dara Shams Chairperson of Women Solidarity Institutions, and Organizations Coordinating Board (BKOW), and Tim PKK, furious.

Instead, the Institute for Women's Solidarity Fitridarasamsi Chairman (LSP), very furious against the mafia sellers are women. The reason according to Mubarak, close calls women who have a hobby doing this demo, besides the victims are children under the age-even when successfully arrested and tried it just cut off very lightly.

Separately they indicate that sales of women from North Sulawesi, is organized by mafia networks trafficking women to other areas, and this must be followed. "Unloading the network, not the victim who investigated," they insisted.

Pimp, pimp, landlord, let alone call mom or another anathema to the seller, the assessed mass action figures in North Sulawesi with one word; bastard!. Because, look at some new children Gede (ABG), which are often hung in a number of entertainment venues, hotel lobby, Dept. Store, even those that exist along the Boulevard Pierre Tendean, on average, their existence has been coordinated by a pimp or whatever they call it.

"Hence the need for anti-trafficking regulations to minimize the occurrence of violence against women and children. To that end, the need to increase human resources for women of North Sulawesi. "Said Mrs. Sientje Sondakh-Mandey that also as the wife of the governor of North Sulawesi.

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