Senin, 13 Desember 2010

Healthy Lifestyle

Promotion and Prevention of Communicable Diseases (PTM)

The National Policy PTM
The framework concept of prevention and control of non-communicable diseases is based on the basic framework of Blum, that health status is influenced by heredity, environment, behavior and health services. Prevention and control PTM policy is aimed at diseases that have the same risk factors are: heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chronic airway obstruction.

Encourage community self-reliance in the prevention and control PTM to nmenurunkan incident non-communicable diseases (PTM) and improve quality of life for healthy people who are in all orders.

How do I?
By way of eliminating or reducing risk factors for PTM and consider other factors that may affect health. Department of Health, through the Center focuses on health promotion:

* Increase efforts to promotive and preventive health through both the Central and Provincial and District levels.
* Conduct an integrated intervention on the 3 main risk factors: smoking, physical activity and balanced diet.
* Perform network of prevention and control of PTM.
* Trying to prepare a national strategy and local management of diet, physical activity, and smoking.
* Develop Integrated Risk Behavior Surveillance System (SSPBT) PTM.
* Campaign PTM prevention and control of national and local level specific.

For future prevention efforts PTM will be very important because it is influenced by 3 main factors namely dokok, balanced diet and physical activity. Prevention of PTM should be supported by all parties, especially the decision makers of both national and local. Without it all would be in vain.


* Determinants of policies both at central and regional (provincial and municipal).
* Determinants of policies in related sectors at both national and local (provincial and municipal).
* Professional organizations that exist.
* Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Private sector and community.

Legal Foundation
Promotion and Prevention PTM of course referring to the existing legal basis nationally, namely:

* Act No. 23 of 1992 on health.
* Act No. 22 of 1999 on Regional Government.
* Act No. 25 of 1999 on Financial Balance between Central and Local Government.
* Government Regulation No. 25 of 2000 on Central and Local Government Authority.
* Health Ministerial Decree No. 1277/Menkes/SK/XI/2001 on Organizational Structure and the treatment of MOH.
* National Development Program (PROPENAS)
* National Health System.
* Health Ministers Decree of 1999 on Health Development Plan towards Healthy Indonesia 2010 Health Department in 1999.
* The Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non communicable Diseasses (WHA 53-year-2000).
* Megacountry Health Promotion Network Initiatives (Geneva, December 2002).

Promotion and prevention PTM performed at all stages of life, through the empowerment of the various components of society such as professional organizations, NGOs, mass media, business / private sector.

PTM promotion and prevention efforts are focused on people who are still healthy (well being) and the community at risk (at risk) by not forgetting that the diseased society (deseased population) and people who suffer from disabilities and require rehabilitation (Rehabilitated population).

* Reduction PTM PTM prioritizing prevention onset major risk factor by increasing physical activity, balanced diet and not smoking.
* Promotion and prevention PTM also developed through the efforts that encourage / facilitate the issuance of public policies that support prevention and control in PTM.
* Promotion and Prevention PTM done through the development of partnerships between government, communities, community organizations, including professional organizations and private businesses.
* Promotion and prevention of PTM is an integral part of all medical services related to prevention PTM.
* Promotion and prevention of PTM should be supported by professionals through continuous improvement (capacity building).
* Promotion and prevention of PTM was developed by using appropriate technology based on the problem, the potential social and culture to improve the effectiveness of the interventions in the field of prevention PTM.

Promotion and prevention targets operationally PTM done in some order (household, workplace, health centers, school sites, public places, etc.) The area of concern is the well-balanced diet, smoking, physical activity and other health support.

Promotion and prevention strategies in general PTM include Advocacy, Community Development and Empowerment of the community atmosphere. At the central level is mostly done in an atmosphere of advocacy and community development. While at the district / city with more emphasis on community empowerment? 3 (three) strategies for all the material is just different. Remember local autonomy, social culture, etc. specific local.

* Encourage and facilitate a sound public health policies that support prevention and control in PTM.
* Encourage and facilitate the functioning of inter-institutional cooperation network providers and promotional potential partners in efforts to prevent and control PTM.
* Increasing the active role of health promotion in the PTM control efforts in a comprehensive manner in their efforts to promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative in their respective healthcare institutions.
* Improve the professional capacity of the field of health promotion both at central and local levels, especially in the prevention and control of PTM.
* Improve the knowledge and ability independent health care community in prevention and control of PTM.
* Involving the community actively in the process of solving problems faced by PTM to increase the capacity of communities and the environment in the prevention and control of PTM.
* Develop a regional assessment of health promotion of appropriate technology in the response to PTM.

To find out to what extent the successful implementation of prevention strategies PTM, there are few benchmarks that can be used for monitoring and evaluation through a system of recording and reporting activities of prevention and control of PTM.

Indicators of success of promotion and prevention strategies PTM, namely:

General Indicators

* The reduced mortality rate (mortality) of patients with major PTM.
* The reduced morbidity (morbidity) patients with primary PTM.
* The reduced rate of disability (disability), people with major PTM.
* The reduced number of risk factors with major PTM.

Special Indicators

* Decrease PTM three main risk factors (smoking, physical activity and low consumption of fiber).
* Decrease in the proportion of people who are obese, alcohol abuse and LBW.
* Improving cross-sector policies and regulations that support the prevention PTM.
* Increased community development partnerships in the atmosphere through the empowerment of community potential.
* Availability of models of effective interventions in promotion and prevention of PTM.
* Improved implementation of promotion and prevention in the healthcare institutions.

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