Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

Health Office Hazards Campaign to Keep HIV / AIDS in Manado

Manado 16 / 9 (Xinhua) - Health Department Manado supported "global funds" and the AIDS Commission continues to conduct a campaign of threats and dangers of HIV / AIDS in high-risk location of the area.
"The location of high risk that we were targeted extension of this deadly virus is nightspots, the location of commercial sex workers hung (PSK), and schools," said Yvonne Kaunang Kadinkes in Manado, on Thursday.
All of this location was chosen because it is the most prone to transmission of the HIV virus so that it directly to the campaign directly to the people who are at risk of contracting the virus, said Kaunang.
The campaign is conducted on a regular basis with NGOs concerned with AIDS to remind the public especially the younger generation about the threat of HIV / AIDS, added the Head of Disease Control and Environmental Health (P2L) Dinkes Joy Zeekeon Manado.
Not only nightclubs and prostitutes hang out locations, high schools in the city of Manado also mennjadi campaign targets because according to people who are infected with this virus an average age of 20-30 years, said Zeekeon.
This means that when first infected and those infected are still in school age, so that prevention campaign directed at schools in order to decide the chain of transmission of HIV / AIDS.He said the extension was done routinely in schools in the city of Manado, even in August-September 2010, he conducted an intensive campaign because of the number of people living with HIV / AIDS (PLWHA) in the area.
In addition to school and hangout PSK, a campaign tackling the dangers of HIV / AIDS was also conducted in the Correctional Institution (LP) Manado to remind occupants.
"The inmates were drug susceptible. Nobody likes to tattoo his body and very vulnerable so the extension is also directed to this place. Our hope everyone can realize how important it is to avoid this because there is no virus there is no cure, "he said.
Data last mentioned, the number of people infected with HIV / AIDS in the city of Manado to reach 251 and most of the productive age of 20-30 years.

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People with HIV / AIDS in North Sulawesi Reach 619 People

The number of North Sulawesi were detected infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) continues to increase. The proof, to November increased to 619 of 606 patients. This was revealed during the coordination meeting the Provincial AIDS Commission (KPAP) North Sulawesi, in Room Mapaluse on Thursday (03/18/2010).
From these data, if categorized according to risk factors, most patients coming from heterosexual sex, as many as 464 patients or about 75 percent. The data obtained, 38 percent of patients were in the city of Manado, Bitung while in town reached 24 percent, Minahasa regency of nine percent. and North Minahasa regency of eight percent.
"Every month, there were detected. But still, some have not detected," said Chief Medical Officer of North Sulawesi, Maxi Rondonuwu DHSM dr.
Rondunuwu say, in terms of profession, the most commonly found in private and self-employed category that is as many as 125, while the profession of the lowest rates of HIV / AIDS contained in the class of student work and Employment for Women. "One case of HIV terdektesi synonymous with 100 people infected with HIV as well," he said.
He added that health office is currently still in an attempt to find a case as much as possible. Especially now, said Lampus, cases were found, so far has been in the condition of AIDS. "That is already in a more severe condition. HIV is not showing symptoms," he said.
In order to tackle the spread of HIV / AIDS, says Lampus, Health plans to add clinics Voluntering Conseling Testing (VCT). He also said, presumably people who have volunteered to conduct the examination early, to be detected and can be given treatment. "At least we can give treatment to the patient," he said.
Meanwhile, Regional Coordinator of Sulawesi and Kalimantan, the National AIDS Commission (NAC), Dr. Rahmat Good Prabowo, say, that there are three major strategies that will be NAC namely prevention, treatment, and empowerment of key populations. "In the future we will be more inclined to strengthening the community. Because the people living with HIV also did not want any discrimination to them," he said.
About starting many donor countries, says Good, so do not always expect to help them. Because, one time assistance will be exhausted. To anticipate, according to Good, be strengthened by local government such as providing the budget on the budget area. "In North Sulawesi is good, because their funds from year to year is budgeted in the budget continues to increase," he said. (*)

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Stories Grief 'Night Butterfly'

Various reasons cliche ejected from a number of lip bergincu successfully interviewed recently. They average family departed from a broken home, from the reason for his living up to that trapped by circumstances, continue to increase the number of list of 'strumpet' in the city of Manado. Here the authors summarize the results of investigations in several places of entertainment and night at the Indian port city of Bitung.
Mona, 24 years old, divorced status of one child, a beautiful woman who claimed to live in Tuminting who worked as Ladis Enjoy the Hot Gossip (HG) Manado, admitted the night had to go through life only to sponsor children and their families.
"I had a job since 1999 and, yes because to be honest I had not pocketed a diploma to apply for jobs elsewhere," he said, adding that he can be invited to the origin of raw begituan ator.
Another story of Rona, 19 years old, sweet black girl school dropouts often pacing with a sale of a powerful drug for adult men from one ship to other foreign ships in the Indian port of Bitung.
"Boss, there is this strong medicine, have a good can be directly tested," she offered at the time while showing various types of tonic made across the country. Himself admitted, if there is interest in selling the medicine and have served, the tariff is a bit expensive over Rp 250,000 once ngejos.
Joys and sorrows as a 'strumpet' is often gripped, and it happened before our very eyes. Because, according to the recognition of the Roses, (not her real name, red) - sweet teenage girl who met at one café on Boulevard road when selling lion meat dishes one night admitted that he was recruited from one village in North Sulawesi by someone (read: pimp ), who claim to be able to find jobs with the lure of large salaries.
Starting from the persuasion and seduction to get that job, Rose, left his village and join in the pimp it to one of the major cities in the regions outside of North Sulawesi. However, it was a dream to get jobs with big salaries vanished instantly. Rose, by force of the pimp told to serve the lust of a middle-aged man who came from neighboring countries to faint. Roses are raped and sold!
As a result after that, this beautiful young girl began to feel there is any abnormality in the stomach. We found many beautiful girls from one village in North Sulawesi that it contains the seeds sown haram man who never knew. Rose pregnant outside of marriage.
With a feeling shattered, Rose, managed to escape from bondage the pimp and return to the village. But, what happens? entire community in the village was disgusted to see a home with a belly bulge. "Had we no kase fall, and after that I'm here and turn out this way," he said wistfully as she sobbed tears keep falling. "Ah ngana babatanya continue jo a way that journalists, booking nda mo?" Asked Rose, smiling sweetly as she clings spoiled tempting.

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Overview of Hazard-free behavior Child Sex is easy in Manado

Giggling spoiled full of charm, exciting and looks pleasant, the streetwalker, along the Boulevard road Piere Tendean Manado, able to hypnotize and undermine one's faith. In fact, officials and religious figures terrace even when met with them.

See, they are beautiful. With a smile and a joke with a side glance to bring meaningful tempting to do more prominently offered the girls a New Child Gede (ABG), which often hung along the street, it turns out has become another phenomenon of the city of Manado.

"Want a young or middle-aged?" Fresh one pimp on the writer when doing 'survey' there in one night.

In fact, they are not reluctant to offer evening meals with a menu of 'meat lion' to anyone who pass by it. "If it's not dying for dibayarpun we want, which is important enjoy" I'm Rose (not her real name, red), a beautiful teenage girl who claims often do 'it' because of addiction.

Another ngejos daytime menu offered by the ABG is predicated on average schoolgirl. They usually hang out in beregrombol in the Matahari Department Store, Coco Dept. Store, Café, and the Post Office. "I'd just taken, but should be together with my friends. Because, frankly, we just sandiri kalu we Tako, "was the reason that justified Chrysanthemum colleagues who was still in uniform one high school teasing smile.

Sighs and moans of lust full surge of the number of underage girls, is a pleasure to bring misery. Why not, according to Health Department reports North Sulawesi, the lapse in 2003 and then detected was 6 (six) persons who tested positive with HIV / AIDS. In fact, three of whom had died. More ironically, one of them aged under five years old (toddlers).

Meanwhile, the period of 2002, there were 28 people contracted the deadly virus as a result of free sex like crazy. Data from North Sulawesi Health Office said in 2002 it recorded 12 deaths and that includes babies in the womb of a woman who contracted HIV / AIDS.

Meanwhile, the data reported as of January 2004, the Public Health Service says 41 people have contracted HIV / AIDS and 15 of them had died. While the 2 (two) of the 41 people who contracted it, is still roaming the city of Bitung. Gosh!

Flammable themselves are prone transmission of HIV / AIDS. Because, in some places of entertainment it provides a tasty evening meal alias 'lion meat' is palpable. It is so, the port of Bitung is one place that brought a number of viruses transit sailors across the country.

Sin anyone? It is not wrong if a woman's mother contain this deadly spreader should reach hundreds of people looking for a partner to complete guerrilla desire 'itu' him. But, more driven by the demands of a more harmonious life.

Because, to be honest men johns-one but do need their presence, even if met with an instant love these vendors will mengiler. Because see, they are young, beautiful, fantastic, voluptuous, sexy.

Moral, moral role once again. Factors of faith and loyalty to a wife or husband? Should continue to be nurtured so as not to be tempted persuasion angel of death for not doing more 'it' was. The role of parents, government, religious leaders, anyone even become very important in addressing the rampant phenomenon, 'lion meat' is.

Unfolding of a number of findings of HIV / AIDS virus that has claimed lives citizens of North Sulawesi (Sulawesi), assessed a number of observers of the problem of mass action as a result of the rampant female sales woman from North Sulawesi to other regions to serve as prostitutes.

"For that, we call for the police, prosecutors, courts conduct a thorough investigation until keakar-roots and women vendors dismantle mafia networks by providing justly punished due to the exploitation of women as merchandise," spat out a number of figures such as mass action, Donny Lumingas Secretary General of the Presidium GMNI and Fitria Dara Shams Chairperson of Women Solidarity Institutions, and Organizations Coordinating Board (BKOW), and Tim PKK, furious.

Instead, the Institute for Women's Solidarity Fitridarasamsi Chairman (LSP), very furious against the mafia sellers are women. The reason according to Mubarak, close calls women who have a hobby doing this demo, besides the victims are children under the age-even when successfully arrested and tried it just cut off very lightly.

Separately they indicate that sales of women from North Sulawesi, is organized by mafia networks trafficking women to other areas, and this must be followed. "Unloading the network, not the victim who investigated," they insisted.

Pimp, pimp, landlord, let alone call mom or another anathema to the seller, the assessed mass action figures in North Sulawesi with one word; bastard!. Because, look at some new children Gede (ABG), which are often hung in a number of entertainment venues, hotel lobby, Dept. Store, even those that exist along the Boulevard Pierre Tendean, on average, their existence has been coordinated by a pimp or whatever they call it.

"Hence the need for anti-trafficking regulations to minimize the occurrence of violence against women and children. To that end, the need to increase human resources for women of North Sulawesi. "Said Mrs. Sientje Sondakh-Mandey that also as the wife of the governor of North Sulawesi.

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Profile-Talaud Islands District

Talaud Islands. Beribukotakan Melonguane. Has the area 1251.02 km 2 and is divided into 8 districts. Countries bordering the Philippine territory in the north, the Sangihe Talaud district in the south, the Celebes Sea to the west and Pacific Ocean to the east.Plantation remains a center of economic activity Talaud Islands. Nutmeg, coffee, cocoa, vanilla, pepper and cloves are still unreliable. But of the six commodities, nutmeg seeded. Plants are often used as candied initersebar evenly across the district. Since the Dutch colonial era, has become a commodity trading nutmeg penting.Proses easy maintenance and the selling price is high enough is another driving factor Talaud plant communities nutmeg. Not only are bought and sold nutmeg. Mace called the mace also have high economic value. Mace usually be used for cooking spices and ointments. Plantation agriculture is dominated economic activity Talaud Islands. However, behind it, agricultural activities still holds the potential. However, all that potential untapped maximum. Support facilities and infrastructure such as irrigation farming is still not well managed. In fact, if the potential for food crops cultivated by the maximum, in Talaud food needs can be fulfilled immediately. Coconut is the largest crop diahasilkan, but this area is still importing oil from Manado and Bitung, this is due to industrial processing oil into cooking oil has not been developed, as well as for industrial processing of cloves and nutmeg are also not yet available. In addition to having excellent komodutas from plantations, this maritime region has the potential of marine fishery with the commodity form of tuna, grouper, kite, skipjack, and Farmed sea such as seaweed, sea cucumbers and pearl oysters. In the area of these islands there is only one fish that is in the dock peangkapan Dagho Beach, District Tamako, Sangir Pulau Besar. From farming, plantations, and this fishery also have a major impact on trade. Trade was a focus for the livelihood after agriculture. existence of infrastructure in the form of an adequate road will make it easier for traders to interact so that both expedite the flow of goods and services, this area has also been found Melongauane Airport which is located at Talaud Islands, three main Pelabuahan Lirung Port, Port Karatung, and Port Miangas, and there are a variety of facilities and supporting infrastructure facilities including power plants, clean water, gas and telecommunications networks.

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Senin, 13 Desember 2010

Healthy Lifestyle

Promotion and Prevention of Communicable Diseases (PTM)

The National Policy PTM
The framework concept of prevention and control of non-communicable diseases is based on the basic framework of Blum, that health status is influenced by heredity, environment, behavior and health services. Prevention and control PTM policy is aimed at diseases that have the same risk factors are: heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chronic airway obstruction.

Encourage community self-reliance in the prevention and control PTM to nmenurunkan incident non-communicable diseases (PTM) and improve quality of life for healthy people who are in all orders.

How do I?
By way of eliminating or reducing risk factors for PTM and consider other factors that may affect health. Department of Health, through the Center focuses on health promotion:

* Increase efforts to promotive and preventive health through both the Central and Provincial and District levels.
* Conduct an integrated intervention on the 3 main risk factors: smoking, physical activity and balanced diet.
* Perform network of prevention and control of PTM.
* Trying to prepare a national strategy and local management of diet, physical activity, and smoking.
* Develop Integrated Risk Behavior Surveillance System (SSPBT) PTM.
* Campaign PTM prevention and control of national and local level specific.

For future prevention efforts PTM will be very important because it is influenced by 3 main factors namely dokok, balanced diet and physical activity. Prevention of PTM should be supported by all parties, especially the decision makers of both national and local. Without it all would be in vain.


* Determinants of policies both at central and regional (provincial and municipal).
* Determinants of policies in related sectors at both national and local (provincial and municipal).
* Professional organizations that exist.
* Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Private sector and community.

Legal Foundation
Promotion and Prevention PTM of course referring to the existing legal basis nationally, namely:

* Act No. 23 of 1992 on health.
* Act No. 22 of 1999 on Regional Government.
* Act No. 25 of 1999 on Financial Balance between Central and Local Government.
* Government Regulation No. 25 of 2000 on Central and Local Government Authority.
* Health Ministerial Decree No. 1277/Menkes/SK/XI/2001 on Organizational Structure and the treatment of MOH.
* National Development Program (PROPENAS)
* National Health System.
* Health Ministers Decree of 1999 on Health Development Plan towards Healthy Indonesia 2010 Health Department in 1999.
* The Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non communicable Diseasses (WHA 53-year-2000).
* Megacountry Health Promotion Network Initiatives (Geneva, December 2002).

Promotion and prevention PTM performed at all stages of life, through the empowerment of the various components of society such as professional organizations, NGOs, mass media, business / private sector.

PTM promotion and prevention efforts are focused on people who are still healthy (well being) and the community at risk (at risk) by not forgetting that the diseased society (deseased population) and people who suffer from disabilities and require rehabilitation (Rehabilitated population).

* Reduction PTM PTM prioritizing prevention onset major risk factor by increasing physical activity, balanced diet and not smoking.
* Promotion and prevention PTM also developed through the efforts that encourage / facilitate the issuance of public policies that support prevention and control in PTM.
* Promotion and Prevention PTM done through the development of partnerships between government, communities, community organizations, including professional organizations and private businesses.
* Promotion and prevention of PTM is an integral part of all medical services related to prevention PTM.
* Promotion and prevention of PTM should be supported by professionals through continuous improvement (capacity building).
* Promotion and prevention of PTM was developed by using appropriate technology based on the problem, the potential social and culture to improve the effectiveness of the interventions in the field of prevention PTM.

Promotion and prevention targets operationally PTM done in some order (household, workplace, health centers, school sites, public places, etc.) The area of concern is the well-balanced diet, smoking, physical activity and other health support.

Promotion and prevention strategies in general PTM include Advocacy, Community Development and Empowerment of the community atmosphere. At the central level is mostly done in an atmosphere of advocacy and community development. While at the district / city with more emphasis on community empowerment? 3 (three) strategies for all the material is just different. Remember local autonomy, social culture, etc. specific local.

* Encourage and facilitate a sound public health policies that support prevention and control in PTM.
* Encourage and facilitate the functioning of inter-institutional cooperation network providers and promotional potential partners in efforts to prevent and control PTM.
* Increasing the active role of health promotion in the PTM control efforts in a comprehensive manner in their efforts to promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative in their respective healthcare institutions.
* Improve the professional capacity of the field of health promotion both at central and local levels, especially in the prevention and control of PTM.
* Improve the knowledge and ability independent health care community in prevention and control of PTM.
* Involving the community actively in the process of solving problems faced by PTM to increase the capacity of communities and the environment in the prevention and control of PTM.
* Develop a regional assessment of health promotion of appropriate technology in the response to PTM.

To find out to what extent the successful implementation of prevention strategies PTM, there are few benchmarks that can be used for monitoring and evaluation through a system of recording and reporting activities of prevention and control of PTM.

Indicators of success of promotion and prevention strategies PTM, namely:

General Indicators

* The reduced mortality rate (mortality) of patients with major PTM.
* The reduced morbidity (morbidity) patients with primary PTM.
* The reduced rate of disability (disability), people with major PTM.
* The reduced number of risk factors with major PTM.

Special Indicators

* Decrease PTM three main risk factors (smoking, physical activity and low consumption of fiber).
* Decrease in the proportion of people who are obese, alcohol abuse and LBW.
* Improving cross-sector policies and regulations that support the prevention PTM.
* Increased community development partnerships in the atmosphere through the empowerment of community potential.
* Availability of models of effective interventions in promotion and prevention of PTM.
* Improved implementation of promotion and prevention in the healthcare institutions.

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COE Center for Health Promotion Following Jamb 100-3rd ASEAN Jamboree

Singapore Scout Association held a Jamb 100-3rd ASEAN Jamboree which was held on 4-9 December 2010 in Sarimbun Campsite, Singapore. The team from the Center for Health Promotion Ministry of Health to visitors at the event. The purpose of the visit was to determine the organization of international scouting activities. 3rd ASEAN Jamboree attended by nearly 1,000 Scouts in the recovery period from ASEAN countries and also beberapan other countries such as East Timor and Taiwan.
During the Jamboree held there are several activities, namely basic skills of Scouting (games, camping, adventure), outdoor activities (climbing wall, ropes, cycling and exploring the outdoors), sports (kayaking, archery, bowling, sports), arts and culture (traditional games, martial arts / yoga / wushu, liong, visits to tourist attractions), community development (environmental conservation, water turtles, volunteers and exhibitions), international nights and other activities.
The team from the Center for Health Promotion opportunity to observe the operation of the Jamboree, from the registration system, implementation of activities, camp participants, hygiene and sanitation systems, intake systems, kitchen and canteen, health teams, community development, and also Indonesia Day (Indonesia menampailakn distinctive art and culture Indonesia ranging from food, drink, clothes to dance and traditional songs. Centre for Health Promotion are also taking part in the exhibition which was followed by national scouts, especially about the media and health information and also Saka Bakti Husada.
The result of this visit will be useful to prepare the implementation of the National Encampment Saka Bakti Husada scheduled to be held in Gorontalo province in 2011. (Wln)

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The spirit of Partnership in World TB Day Commemoration

On the night of March 24, 1882, Robert Koch, a German scientist to present his findings in the form of mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes tuberculosis. Night at the later date designated as a day of Tuberculosis (TB) worldwide, Robert Koch reminds his listeners would be terrible threat from tuberculosis.
128 years later, TB remains a public health problem in many countries around the world. Indonesia itself ranked third after India and China from 22 countries in the world with the highest number of TB patients. The challenge of tuberculosis of the world increasingly severe with rising cases of HIV infection / AIDS and the emergence of MDR TB (Multi Drug Ressistance), which has undergone TB drug resistance.
In this year, with the global theme "On The Move Against Tuberculosis, Innovate to Accelerate Action" or in Indonesian "Boost Innovation, Speed of action against Tuberculosis" TB Day commemoration took the spirit of partnership in the fight against tuberculosis in Indonesia. A series of events within the framework of advocacy, communication and social mobilization have been prepared by the Ministry of Health following NGO partners, social organization, which has been incorporated in the TB Partners Forum as PP Aisiyah, PPTI (Association of Tuberculosis Association of Indonesia), KNCV, NU, and others.
Top event of the World TB Day March 24, 2010 was marked by a national seminar with the theme of seminar was opened by Menkokesra discusses among other groundbreaking efforts towards universal access to TB services, the services of the DOTS strategy (Directly Observed Treatment Shortcourse) on all levels of service quality, overcoming challenges TB in the future and the mobilization efforts of community participation in TB control. In the event that was also signed cooperation with PT. Social Security to include TB as a disease that will be covered under Social Security insurance scheme.
On the day before, March 23, 2010, will be the launch of MDR-TB services in Indonesia. Services for patients with MDR-TB has been started since August 2009 in two hospitals, namely Friendship Hospital, East Jakarta, and Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya. Service expansion is planned to be conducted this year to other areas.
In addition to seminars, a series of warning itself will be enlivened with Healthy Walking organized by the Executive Aisyiyah which will take place in the East Parking Senayan on March 28, 2010. Sub themes raised in these activities is "Save the Family of Tuberkulsosis". Planned activities will dihardiri by the Minister of Health, Affairs, State Minister and Chairman of BKKBN PP. In addition, a series of good media campaign using mass media and publications undertaken by Puskomlik, Promkes and KNCV also will accompany this year's TB Day commemoration. Number of active partners involved in TB Day commemoration, a reflection of the need for all elements of society work together to combat TB.

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DOTS in Hospital

In 1999, the Ministry of Health took the initiative to start cooperation with the Royal Netherlands TB Association (KNCV) to support the Hospital Association of Indonesia (PERSI) in an effort to expand DOTS in hospitals, which began with a pilot project in Yogyakarta.

Project work plan Hospital DOTS Linkage (HDL) have been prepared in cooperation KNCV, GTI (Gorgas Tuberculosis Initiative) University of Alabama, PERSI and NTP. PERSI, NGOs at the national level and Yogyakarta Province DOTS Committee to act as executor with technical support from KNCV. Funding obtained through sub-contracts between UAB and KNCV, and since 2003, training fully supported with funds from USAID (Tuberculosis Coalition for Technical Assistance / TBCTA). In general, HDL project goal is to create a model of partnership between public and private sectors to expand the DOTS strategy expansion at the hospital in Yogyakarta province.

HDL Project has contributed to the development of programs that connect the DOTS services from the public sector with private hospitals. To minimize the gap between sectors is carried out activities such as advocacy, training, networking and information systems together. HDL involve all sectors of the hospital in Yogyakarta and private practice physicians in the implementation of the program.

In its development, the project has gained some achievements HDL:


By doing various activities to improve quality and access to DOTS services, has been an increase in reporting of new cases by 30% (from 998 cases in 2003 to 1300 in 2004), with the highest increase in health center. The level of reporting of cases increased five-fold compared to the beginning of the program in 2000, to 40 cases per 100,000 population. Also an increase in treatment success compared to previous years. Identification of smear positive cases in all categories of health care providers at 80% and treatment success rate has reached the national target of 85%.

Currently, 24 hospitals (out of 32) and 5 clinical lung (BP4) has been involved in the implementation of DOTS. To improve the performance of programs have been carried out intensive training, supervision and coordination meetings between health centers and hospitals.

Has started a private practice physician involvement in the program that identified 390 suspects DOTS TB, including smear positive dengan106 (8% of the total reporting of smear positive cases during 2004).

Strengthening laboratory networks and laboratory quality assurance system. Test cross sputum smear preparations have been made in 70% of diagnostic centers with an error rate of between 5% -10%

Several initiatives have been undertaken to improve networking DOTS teams, create partnerships with community organizations, and collaboration with the academic sector.

â €?? Lesson Learntâ €? HDL obtained from the project become a valuable lesson for the National Tuberculosis Control Program at this time in the acceleration phase of DOTS. Yogyakarta DOTS team members regularly invited to as a resource for the implementation of the DOTS strategy in the hospital, and the DOTS teams from other provinces have made study visits to Yogyakarta to see how the implementation of the DOTS strategy in the government and private hospitals.

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Epidemiology of TB in Indonesia

TB prevalence surveys conducted in six provinces in 1983-1993 showed that the prevalence of tuberculosis in Indonesia, ranging between 0.2 â € "0.65%. Meanwhile, according to the Global Tuberculosis Control report issued by WHO in 2004, TB incidence rate in 2002 reached 555 000 cases (256 kasus/100.000 population), and 46% of them are thought to be new cases. Estimated prevalence, incidence and deaths from tuberculosis is based on the analysis of all available data, such as reporting of cases, the prevalence of infection and illness, illness duration, the proportion of smear positive cases, the number of patients who received treatment and who did not receive treatment, the prevalence and incidence of HIV , mortality and demography.
Currently TB Prevalence Survey was conducted GFATM funded by the National Institute for Health Research & Development (NIHRD) in cooperation with the National Tuberculosis Programme (NTP), and is in the process of completion. This survey collects data and sputum examination of 20,000 households in 30 provinces. This study will provide new data that can be used to update estimates of incidence and prevalence, in order to obtain a more accurate estimate of the tuberculosis problem.
From the data in 1997-2004 [Attachment: Table of Cases 1997-2004 Identification and Reporting Level 1995 â € "2000] saw an increase in reporting of cases since 1996. The most dramatic occurred in 2001, namely the level of reporting of TB cases increased from 43 to 81 per 100,000 population, and reporting of smear positive cases increased from 25 to 42 per 100,000 population. Meanwhile, based on age, TB incidence rates seen slowly moving toward older age groups (with a peak at 55-64 years), although this time the majority of cases still occur in the age group 15-64 years. [Attachment: Age Specific Rate Notification 2004]
Medication Immunity Dual (Multi Drug Resistance / MDR)Although current data on the drug immunity doubles / MDR in Indonesia is not yet available, but has prepared a survey to be conducted at the end of 2005. The data on this matter is considered important for several reasons:


Indonesia is a high-burden countries, and are rapidly expanding the DOTS strategy, hence the baseline drug susceptibility data (DST) will be a monitoring tool and indicator of a very important program.

Based on data from several areas, identification and treatment of TB through the Hospital reached 20-50% of smear positive cases, and so much more to the case of a negative smear. If it does not work with health centers, many patients are diagnosed by the hospital to have a high risk of treatment failure, and may cause immune drugs.

Due to the absence of a national laboratory network with adequate standards and quality, generalization and quality of available data can not be determined.

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"ILL STATE saga Porodisa" IN poem

This time the beta want to humRaise issues that make dizzyIn the temple of the glorious and beautiful poemOld literature in a barely remembered
Let the master beta storyAbout the saga full of meaningPorodisa wild cry of the child domesticWho yearn healthy life as best I can
Tersebutlah story at one timeSeptember '97 period markerOn the island Miangas story beginsPregnant young women
Half of weeks ago alreadyYoung woman pushing upsetScreamed pain welled-disturbingThe baby never pour
The word midwife is a narrow pelvisIf so maternity complicationsCan not wait stintShould we seek hospital
Talks big and then liftedThe consensus so closely alliedTen September they agreedRound determination to depart
Haru blue host on the beach MiangasIsak relatives wept bitterly groveDeliver brother winced againSearch for survivors of the Rais

Diverting beta profiled hostGood lesson for many ladiesRisk pregnant quick search aidDo ladies out of embraces
In Dampulis no middle-aged ladiesWant to give birth to twoThe doctor said the baby is breech too bigIt must be to the city to reveal his
Adoptive friends agreeMade direct RujukanpunWhile still a strong womanJoin the pioneer vessel was to pass
Each port of the ship dockedLoad copra merchant dignifiedThe increasingly dying womanHe died in the port Tahuna
What word would dituturIf the rice has become porridgeHe witnesses black soil buriedLeave an increasingly blurred reflection
Malaria is also another story masterDiseases of the people who are still popularSince long decadesReemerging Deseases cool term
O lord beta not jokingA girl delirious feverHigh heat makes confusionAlleged act of Satan 'turvy'

Suspected disease because of the mindHow to mingle at issueThe story tilt-ulangkan agoThe farther from hope
Separated him from associationLocked up like prisonersA week-resistant pain detainedQuack medicine began to think about
Tersebutlah young handsome doctorIn Karatung he workedPresent as members of the familyPropose a simple drug
"Quinine" host name of the medicineDrugs taken a day threeAll who attended underestimatedLaugh as much as he can
The result is exceptional hostGetting people all awakeThe disease looks increasingly subsidedAt the weekend complete recovery
O noble lord arifForgive beta if excessiveMalaria often we forgetAlthough we often find
In the land of her dominant PorodisaOld men young women so laggananFrom Essang, Gemeh until DapalanMany residents of the lien
If allowed to continue hosting betaA touching storyThere was a virgin before fiancéeJoint and bone sickly
References multilevel he livedDoctor dressing changeBlood and marrow not forget testedDisease never proven diidap

Reportedly arrived at a timeWhen he was at workNo unexpected bleedingAccompany each when coughing
We finally met factsThe virgin suffered tuberculosisAfter the tired and desperateDoctor examined a variety of visual
To the doctor in the village of relatives pleadingAsks for help as best I canReturn to their city powerlessPlease try another drug
The virgin then taken to the clinicThere examined sputum ice ice peGiven anti-tuberculosis drugsSix-month recovery 'abis'.
O wise readerBeta is not making it upEngineered storyThis happened on the ground Porodisa
Maternal deaths in childbirthPeople living with a large spleenTB cases that are not foundWe must not ignore
There are noble generous donorsThe Global Fund to be namedAids, Malaria and Tuberculosis her opponentApril '07 was almost cut aid
At the center of the beta askMoney which will replaceWhat their master number,"Local Wisdom" to be done
Faithful old civil tersebutlahNan wise scholarIn Talaud he so nobleLead a charming country green

O wise grandparent guardianYou hang the country asa childBuild Talaudku being painSo the country "Blessing", distant glow
Grandmother of wise governanceLobbying central grandparent championAdu presentation grandparent jumawaGrandparents speak proper health issues
Ask grandparents observedIf necessary disiasati"Local Wisdom" proper understandableIn order for health programs are not dead
Go ahead grandparent while workingDo not run out in many talk laterGrandmother who is now a director of the civilFor people makmurkan northern tip
Create a master at home peopleArrange the lord strong budget positionBikinkan pro-people policyTo be wealthy and powerful people
Do not be someone super master merasalahInterests of the people and are pursuedComparative studies do not digeber-GeberTo fly-kloter pleats berkloter
Good lord always sprightlyAlso take a firm stanceHelping people who gasp for breathDo not tongue-tied and stutter host
Grandmother of executive officialsMr. legislative councilGood for synergistic and proactive SampeyanPupuskan "sick" the massive land
Make the people of the country PorodisaLet us togetherSame taste and equallyRealize "IRE" common commitment
Sansiote sampate-pateIrene su su wurru waiddeIapa aru 'u maru' Mire u iapa IRENa na poron nusane suaran buntuanne
Help grandparent guardian and master boardTo Success wheel constructionTo be better prepared to dress up PorodisaSo the girl's "Paradise" very beautiful nan
Beta Have master story hereAbout the sick child domestic sagaForgiven not contain beta sassyEven if allowed to beta please excuse me

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If there is the question "Whose posyandu?" Surely will arise a lot of perceptions that it will invite the rhetoric or the polemic on the question of ownership neighborhood health center itself, because people will give their perception of different angles depending on the functions of each position.Qualitative research Purnawan Junadi, in 1998 in two different provinces, namely South Sulawesi province and East Java, which involve several components of the community with a different function positions, namely posyandu cadres, village officials / village, the PKK village / villages, health centers and related sectors , the BKKBN and the Village Administration Section at the district secretariat, concluded that the public perception of "who owns posyandu".According to the cadre posyandu, neighborhood health center is owned by the government. The reason is a neighborhood health center established by the government and the cadres of the position just as a maid. In addition, a whole series of activities posyandu just might be implemented by officers, ranging from weighing up to treatment. Cadres to carry out a child's weight, but in the event of weight loss, cadres can not explain the cause and the edges have to ask the officer. Kader also argued that if any officer posyandu road. When the officer did not come then the community does not come.Three-quarter money with a cadre of neighborhood health center, village heads and village leaders also stated that the neighborhood health center is owned by the government. The reason that the headman and village chiefs who founded the neighborhood health center and the basic stance is that orders from superiors so that the neighborhood health center owned by the government is a necessity. Also in its implementation, activities posyandu only have been possible if driven by health workers, because activity in the neighborhood health center is not a skilled cadre.Opposite perception is coming from the PKK cadres. According to the PKK cadres municipality / village neighborhood health center is owned by the community and to society in accordance with the decree along with three ministers. Although posyandu demanding role of health workers, but the role of communities and community organizations, especially the PKK is very big. This reasoning is based on the fact that almost all cadres posyandu PKK cadres. PKK have functional linkages with the activities of neighborhood health center because of the PKK was the one who more often to help the cost of implementing posyandu. Assistance provided by the municipality / village is because of the PKK programs that receive assistance from the government and channeled through the activities of neighborhood health center.Puskesmas.yang is the main actor in the implementation of neighborhood health center apparently synergize with PKK cadres in providing perception. For clinic posyandu it from, by and for the community. By him is society that is responsible for the survival of Posyandu. Officers assist health centers serve only neighborhood health center activity. Initiatives each month in the form of delivery schedule of activities is just a container posyandu of health centers to optimize the performance target programs such as Maternal and Child Health programs, immunization, provision of blood tablets and vitamin A or Supplementary Feeding. The dominance of the role of health center personnel in neighborhood health center is caused by the system of five tables at the neighborhood health center just might be better implemented by clinic personnel. On the other hand still have a cadre of its own weakness, that is not utilizing the skills acquired from training, such as neighborhood health center reporting system that still has not done routinely.For those of related sectors such as BKKBN and Section PMD in District Secretariat, neighborhood health center has two important framework. First is the integrated health model can be used as the real from the real public participation. Although in practice the visible domination role of health workers, but the role of society in this cadre is very prominent, began to announce the schedule of the clinic, preparing sites for neighborhood health center to mobilize young children, pregnant women and sick people. Second, the integrated health has its own power due to the contiguity of concrete interaction between the needs of society with its fulfillment is done by the officer, in an atmosphere that does not seem formal, which also is a place to carry out socialization pesen-important message from the government.Whatever the public perception of who the owner is not penjadi posyandu fundamental issues. What is important is the neighborhood health center should be maintained continuance, because with their work for more than 3 decades, since launched in 1986, has proved its worth as a container to optimize the participation of citizens to access health needs, easily accessible and cheap, as a model of interaction between citizens and government in a family atmosphere as well and as a vessel to optimize performance at the health center program.Health Department to probe claims that the integrated health is one form of Community based Health Effort (UKBM) are managed and held of, by, for and with society in the implementation of health development, in order to empower communities and provide convenience to the public in obtaining basic health services, primarily to accelerate reduction in maternal and infant mortality. So true posyandu is owned by the community.For that, the future should the community through neighborhood health center volunteers were given a larger proportion role by providing additional skills to the cadre of neighborhood health center such as how to use various forms of scales according to the availability of local facilities and knowledge about how and what steps are done when a decline in weight infants or a radical weight gain, so the role of health workers can be reduced and slowly but surely, people's perceptions about "who the owner of the neighborhood health center" is no longer obscure and ambiguous meaning, but will be replaced by a single perception that the neighborhood health center is owned by the community.Hopefully!

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 "The midwife then inject drugs, surgical equipment before incised into the slit in the groin Sarah. Drugs were not working optimally. Sarah screamed and struggled. His mother tried to convince her stronger hold her thighs. Do not presume she fainted! But show must go on! Until finished. Later she found out. "Anunya" cut slightly. Circumcised!!, He said. (Tempo Interactive, Wednesday, October 11, 2006)
That piece of the portrait blurred bitter experience, repsentasi handful of women, who tested the pain when injured, to undergo "ceremonial" circumcision. Tragic indeed!. Pain can be prolonged until protracted. As already old once did. Even Fauziya Kasinga, 17 years old, a woman from Togo South Africa, fled from his country when he knew would be circumcision ala Pharaoh against him before the wedding. (Kompas Cyber Media, Thursday, March 4, 2004)
WHO's call it female circumcision or Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), which acts partially or completely cut from the outside of female sex organs, namely the labia majora, labia minora and clitoris, or other forms of injury, for cultural or other non-medical reasons. This action circumcision in Indonesia refers to the men, whose is known as circumcision or cutting around (circumference cut foreskin). This term is not suitable for female circumcision memggambarkan because female circumcision is not done cutting around. Transsexual surgery (sex change) is not included in this ceremonial. (Center for Data and Information PERSI, March 2007)
Definition of the term FGM is actually three-quarter money with the term circumcision infibulation or Pharaoh, a very significant damaging, namely the destruction of the female sex organs. (Kustiani and Rosi, 2006) Performed by excision of the vulva from the muscular wall of the pubis to the anus. After excision, the two sides of the labia majora sewn together, united by leaving a small hole in the vulva. Wound healing and scar formation will unify both the surface of the labia majora. Both legs of the woman tied up for about two weeks to speed up the healing process. All the action is performed without anesthesia (anti-pain). Unfortunately, infubilasi held in strict confidence and even with the consent of the husband or parents making it difficult to trace. (Marcoes, 2003)
UN estimation, about 28 million women of Nigeria, 24 million women of Egypt, 23 million women of Ethiopia, Sudan and 12 million women, with a very forced to have undergone this circumcision. (Kompas Cyber Media, March 4, 2004) mentioned that female circumcision carried out in 28 countries, mostly carried out in most African countries, some Middle Eastern countries, with smaller countries in Asia, the Pacific, Latin America, North America, and Europe. At least a hundred million women in the world has experienced these acts, which were in the approximately three million children aged under ten years of each year. (Data Persi, March 2007)
Publications for Population Research Centre, Gadjah Mada University on female circumcision practices in Madura and Yogyakarta proves, the practice of female circumcision performed Javanese family in both regions, regardless of religion and social levels. (Muhajir Darwin, from Marcoes 2003)). This study supports previous findings in West Java and Jakarta. (Anita Rahman, from Marcoes 2003). From historical studies, this practice is documented Feillard noted in the statement of the Government of the Netherlands East Indies, especially in Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi (Feillard and Marcoes, Female Circumcision in Indonesia: To Islamize in Ceremony or secrecy, 1998: 337-365).
In Indonesia, female circumcision is minimized even though only a symbolic action, without cutting the genitals, but the principle "there must be blood", in Madura and "droplets" in Yogyakarta remains indicate that the mutilation is still being done. In general, in Java and Madura to cut the tip of the clitoris is the way most do, other than a symbolic way (Bacilica, 2003)). Population Council research in Indonesia said that the implementation of symbolic female circumcision without cutting / injury only 28% of cases of female circumcision and the remaining 72% which was performed incision and excision.
If analyzed with an ideological approach, no matter how symbolic execution of woman circumcision, the reasons behind the practice turned out exactly the same reason that genital cutting in Africa. More than just a process of initiation into manhood (Turner, from Marcoes 2003), or purification (Muhajir, from Marcoes 2003), female circumcision is done with the aim of controlling women's sexual libido.
Age implementation female circumcision varies, ranging from neonates, children aged 6-10 years, adolescent, to adult. In the United States and some other western countries, clitoridotomy or cutting the clitoris (the clitoris) is mostly done in adult women than in children. In some African countries where female circumcision infibulation type a lot done, these actions are taken at the age of two to six years. (Marcoes, 2003)
In Indonesia, female circumcision is generally done on the baby after birth. In Java and Madura, 70% female circumcision carried out at the age of less than one year and partially at the age of 7-9 years. In South Sulawesi, on average, performed at the age of 7-10 years, more synonymous with puberty ritual behind the women, and followed with a custom event. (Data Persi, March 2007)
A direct result of female circumcision are bleeding other than pain, shock, urine retention, and injury to surrounding tissue. Bleeding and infection can result in death. (Ardiyanto, 2004) Long-term impact is the emergence of cysts and abscesses, keloid and genital defects, pain during sexual intercourse, sexual dysfunction and difficulties in childbirth. In terms of psychology, circumcision can leave a lifetime impact. Women may experience depression, tension, and low self-esteem and not perfect. (Marcoes, 2003)
For some communities, female circumcision is a tradition that is often associated with religion. It is also still raises the pros and cons, because female circumcision is performed by many religions. Adherents of Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, animism, dynamism, one sect of Jews and even atheists, do it. The study ever conducted shows that the background is more dominant tradition, not a religious commandment. The practice of female circumcision is thought to have been started since the time of Pharaoh kings 4000 years ago, before there is a more organized religion. (Data Persi, March 2007)
Islam is a religion that maintain the integrity of human beings, both physically and spiritually. Cutting violate the integrity of this organ and degrading God's creation, which is considered perfect and do not need to be improved again. There is no command in the Qur'an or Hadith for clitoris cut or modified. It is God's creation and therefore should not be cut or reduced size and function. (Munir, 2006)
Conversely, on the other hand, the Indonesian Ulema Council chairman Amidhan, giving commentary that seemed memorable "double standards" against female circumcision. He reveals, in the Maliki and Hanbali schools, circumcision is considered as an act of the glory of it in moderation. While schools Syafii, which is generally referred to the people of Indonesia, requires female circumcision. "So long as not too much, because even the illicit and equal to castrate," he said. (Kustiani, 2006)
Nawal El-Saadawi, a feminist Muslim doctor from Egypt who became victims of infibulation, in his book The Hidden Face of Eve: Women in the Arab World, linking women's reasons for doing circumcision assuming the community about the importance of virginity and the hymen utuhnya before marriage, with sexual satisfaction husband or future husband. But with just circumcision decreased libido women so even disappear altogether. He compares with castration or female circumcision castration of the eunuch harem guards in most Middle Eastern countries, have a great body and sturdy body, but do not have any sex drive. (Data Persi, March 2007)
In fact, the "pleasure" is the right sex wife and husband. Verse 187 of surat Al-Baqarah states, "the wife and husband like clothes with each other, complement each other and complement each other." Also paragraph 21 of the Ar-Rum letter states that "God has made love and affection between them." And female circumcision violates human rights of women because deleting pleasure for women who are gifts of God. . (Munir, 2006)
Medicalization, which indicates that female circumcision for health reasons, even add a red thread kusutnya female circumcision. (Kompas, Wednesday, June 1, 2005) Although intended to reduce health risks, especially infections, which result in death, but if done by traditional birth attendants or craftsman circumcision. become very dangerous. The findings of the survey Population Council Foundation in collaboration with the Office of State Minister of Women revealed that the practice of female circumcision which uses various tools such as needles, knives, and scissors to make incisions by 22% and 72% excision. (Data Persi, March 2007) "If in the countryside who do shaman, then in urban areas generally midwives and also in the hospital," explained Dr. Meiwita Budiharsana, PhD, from the Ford Foundation Council.
Collective presumption that less fatsoen, if you do not want to say silly, that circumcision is performed to reduce or eliminate the sensitivity of the tissue in the genital area, especially the clitoris, in order to reduce the sex drive of women, so as not to spit napsunya and remain faithful in marriage, reap protests from feminists batty . For them this presumption is "defamation" against the rights and dignity of women. Until now there is no medical research that states that women who are not circumcised to be wanton, wild and hungry for sex. Even the baby girl was, since birth has been accused of sell sex, because female circumcision is done at birth. At this point actual feminists reject the practice of female circumcision and "because the country was obliged to consider re-ayemnya cool on the practice of female circumcision is". (Marcoes, 2003)
Whatever the reasons and background, female circumcision has become a controversial issue, both at the global, regional and national level. Controversy because sosiokultur authorities can not provide an explicit explanation of female circumcision which has been made since thousands of years ago and was adopted until now. Controversy because the religious interpretation of ambiguous, nebulous meaning as ambiguous, among which are allowed and what is not, which are mandatory and which are Sunnah. Controversy because "pleasure bring misery." Delicious for men, agony for women. Female circumcision controversy because it has dimedikalisasi without calculating who did it. Controversy because female circumcision as a reason that women without sexual lust circumcision will spit everywhere.
These controversies must be straightened. There should be a historical search to examine the justification sosiokultur tradition of female circumcision. There should be a fundamental review of the interpretation of ambiguous religious. There must be proof of what is true of women who were circumcised became super delicious for men and women who are not circumcised to be disgusting in matters of sex. There should be a correction to the medicalization of circumcision permpuan and the assumption that women are not circumcised indulgence in lust.
Thus, all components must contribute, sit together, make a fundamental assessment, formulate a policy breakthrough "best fit" with the cult sosiokultur, religion and medicine in this country, to solve all the controversy about female circumcision. If not, then the 'Reject Female circumcision "is only going to be like Dream Gone brimmed, tembangnya Anggun C Sasmi. Far from the truth!
Terbesit one hope. Minister of Women Empowerment Meutia Hatta Swasono, MOH urged to prohibit female circumcision medicalization. "We also sincerely hope that the Ministry of Health issued a prohibition for medical officers / paramedics, including government and private health facilities, not to medicalization of female circumcision." (Kompas, Tuesday, May 31, 2005)
Bak shoots beloved side dish arrived, tit for tat. Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari in his written, in a workshop on Prevention and Combating Violence against Women associated with the practice of Female Circumcision, Wednesday, June 1, 2005, saying "female circumcision did not exist in the health service standards." Clop!. In terms of government policy has had a good will toward Reject Female circumcision. Just how the support of the scholars and authorities sosiokultur against government policy to produce a synergistic power. Reject female circumcision! And most important is to perform sero tolerance campaign, that female circumcision has no benefits of any such campaign organized by the UN began in early January 2003. (Kompas Cyber Media, Thursday, March 4, 2004)
When synchronization is realized synergistic power, the authors believe, thunder shouts from the feminist "Reject Female circumcision" will not hit the wall whole tradition and will continue to erode the practice of female circumcision formations in Indonesia, so that the bitter experience of Sarah and Fauziya Kasinga no longer occur .
Hopefully deh!. He ... he .. he!
 Melong, Mid March 2010

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